- Helped create design department that focused on high end eLearning clients.
- Designed and developed templates that production used to develop 100's of courses.
- Created new course functionality within global template using AS2 and AS3.
- Created video, UI, 3D objects and 3D animations.
2 years
I thrive on creative challenges, from selling the concept to exceeding expectations with the results. I have an extensive amount of experience working with photographers, designers, developers and executives on large and small projects. I am an expert at knowing how to streamline production and optimize content for the web. Here are a few examples of my work.
Shutterfly Marketing - HTML5
- All Ad examples below were built from the same HTML5 and Photoshop templates.
- Highly optimized with minimum server calls and shared common assets.
- Coded with Greensock, CSS3, jQuery and JSON for the dynamic content.
- Compatible with mobile, and all desktop mac/pc browsers.
- Responsible for all ad design, photography treatment and manipulation.
- Helped define corporate, drive time and mobile guidances.
Salesforce Marketing - Flash
- Created a rotating homepage banner system that displayed banners based on user cookies: prospect, customer, customers that have not logged in in 30 days, prospects on 30 day trial etc.. Interactive demo center, scalable video players built into openCMS. Edited 100's of hours of Customer testimonial video.
Livescribe/Inkling Flash Display Ads
Vitesse eLearning
Flash templates created for eLearning. Responsible for UI, UX, page functionality and design, illustrations and animations.
Ideum - Flash Website Tour
Story 6 Video
Video Production: Script writing, lighting, capture, motion graphics and video editing.
More videos here.
More videos here.